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Warriors of Light

Other OCs

Characters in this section may or may not be involved in the main storyline.
Most do not have the Echo, unlike the characters in the Warriors of Light section.

Ala Mhigan Resistance

Au Ra


Hell hath no fury like mine.

Name:Nahala Bloodstone
Height:6'2" / 188 cm
Title:"The Phoenix", Ala Mhigan Resistance Leader

Barely of age when the Garlean invasion of Ilsabard began, Nahala soon found herself swept up in the fiery resistance against the invaders. Leading a small, elite force of adventurers - a group of young adults who had been dreaming of glory long before the invasion began - Nahala and her team used guerilla warfare to cripple invading pushes into their land, successfully hindering the invasion for a time.

The Horror of Abalathia's SkullShortly before the fall of Ala Mhigo, Nahala and her team of heroes fought one last battle in the mountain pass referred to as Abalathia's Skull. In this battle, the young warriors were surprised and overwhelmed by an imperial force, unlike anything they had seen. Their mission had been exposed and they were ambushed and decimated in one fell swoop, leaving only Nahala barely clinging to life as she managed to flee the scene.In a bittersweet turn of events, this survival by Nahala was what led to her gaining the epithet, The Phoenix of Ala Mhigo.

Current EventsNahala now works to revitalize the resistance movement, focusing on training the few recruits she does have and teaching them to both decimate imperial troops - and how to stay alive while they do so. When the Scions first came to Rhalgr's Reach, she was out in the field, helping settlements and training her closest team members into a force strong enough to start causing the Empire problems.


Raubahn AldynnLover?
A'kala AzihaOld Friends
T'koda StormheartFriends + Teammates
Rhaya GanajaiFriends + Teammates

...And so the Red Hand of Death will come for all of Garlemald.

Name:A'kala Aziha
Race:Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Height:5'5" / 165 cm
Class:Red Mage
Title:"The Red Hand", Ala Mhigan Resistance Leader

Much like Nahala, A'kala was young when the Garlean invasion began. A student of Red Magic at the time, she fought side-by-side with the famous Crimson Duelists, until a massacre ultimately all but obliterated the faction.She was thought dead by the former leader of the Duelists, X'rhun Tia, though she managed to cauterize her own wounds with magic and drag herself to the nearest village over a malm away.For a time, she laid low, eventually finding her way out of the country and into Eorzea, where she would briefly sell her blade as a mercenary. When heading for Ul'Dah did not work out, as the city quickly closed its doors to refugees, she found her way to what would eventually become Little Ala Mhigo.Ten years later, she decided that enough was enough, and started working in earnest with the Ala Mhigan Resistance, starting first with smuggling supplies across the border before eventually finding her way to Nahala Bloodstone, The Phoenix of Ala Mhigo. Together, they began gathering recruits, learning the movements and structure of the Empire, and now work to personally train their fighters in order to chip away at the hold of the occupation.


X'rhun TiaLovers ???
Nahala BloodstoneOld Friends
T'koda StormheartFriends + Teammates
Rhaya GanajaiStudent + Friend

Come out and Fight, Bitch.

Name:Rhaya Ganajai
Race:Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Height:5'4" / 162.5 cm
Class:Red Mage, Monk
Title:Ala Mhigan Resistance Fighter

Her parents like to say that Rhaya was born to fight, that she came out of the womb ready to throw hands with the nearest midwife. She is feisty and passionate and that feeling of righteous indignance would turn her into one of the biggest supporters of the Ala Mhigan resistance.Originally trained as a monk, she found a lot of catharsis in the discipline of the fighting style. However, when she eventually came into contact with A'kala Aziha, the duelist saw promise in her.The balance and control required to truly master red magic is something that Rhaya ended up immediately taking to, and A'kala took her on as an apprentice almost immediately. She has been one of the fastest studies that A'kala has seen.


Nahala BloodstoneFriends + Teammates
A'kala AzihaTeacher + Friend
T'koda StormheartFriends + Teammates

May the Gods have mercy on your soul - because I will not.

Name:T'koda Stormheart
Race:Half Elezen, Half Highlander
Height:6'6" / 198 cm
Class:Dancer, Monk, Astrologian
Title:Ala Mhigan Resistance Fighter

Only 9 years old when the Garlean occupation first began, T'koda's mother and father did everything they could to protect him from the Empire. This would ultimately not last long, as his father was killed and his mother fatally wounded by Garlean troops not long after the invasion began, leaving him orphaned and alone in the world.His mother, having been an orphan herself and raised by a Miqo'te tribe, managed to deliver him safely to the tribe's encampment, though she would not survive much beyond that. With her dying breaths, she pleaded with the tribe to take in her son and raise him as their own - something that her friends in the tribe agreed to without hesitation.Despite his physical difference from the tribe, he was well-loved and raised to be a powerful fighter. With an intelligent, strategically gifted mind, T'koda has been making waves in the Ala Mhigan resistance since before he even came of age. For his parents who he doesn't remember, and for the people who raised him as their own, he fights to see the land he loves free from the influence of the occupation.


Vanja HyskarisFriends
Nahala BloodstoneFriends + Teammates
A'kala AzihaFriends + Teammates
Rhaya GanajaiFriends + Teammates

Heroes don't get happy endings.

Name:Kirika Nanami
Race:Au Ra, Raen
Height:5'2" / 158 cm
Class:Sage, Samurai
Mount:Saran the Yol
Minion:Mochi the Fat Cat
Starter City:Ul'Dah
Title:The Warrior of Light

The youngest child of a powerful warlord in Hingashi, Kirika grew up extremely sheltered from the world.Sickly from a young age, her father forbade her from learning the blade like every other family member after losing her mother to a similar illness when she was young. Instead, Kiri was trained in magic and raised to become a diplomat, learning languages and politics instead of war strategies like her brother.Despite this, Kirika desperately wanted to be a samurai, so much so that her older brother taught her the basics in secret when they were children.Five years post-Calamity in Eorzea, Kirika began to be plagued with strange, almost prophetic nightmares. Unnerved by this, the Nanami clan elders ultimately decided that she should embark on a quest into Eorzea to discover the cause of these strange dreams.Once in Ul'Dah, Kirika found herself struggling to maintain her studies in magic, ultimately leaving the Thaumaturgists' Guild and joining the Arcanists' Guild in Limsa Lominsa instead. She found that the arcanist ways were easier for her to pick up, at least until Musosai discovered her in Ul'Dah and decided to train her as his apprentice - a veritable dream come true that saw Kirika changing from a shy, nervous young woman into the Hero of Eorzea that she would become known as.


G'raha TiaLover
Haurchefant de FortempsSomething... (Past)
Kazuya NanamiBrother


A brief summary of Kirika's experience with The Dragonsong War could be summed up as: bad.From the frigid air biting into her skin, chilling her faster than her friends because Au Ra are not built for the cold. Their blood runs cooler than most, and she felt that far more clearly than she ever had running around Eorzea during this time. Not only that, but the fact that she and her brother were Auri in the first place made earning the trust and respect of the Ishgardians even harder than she'd expected, as being of dragonsblood really made them enemy number one within the walls.Luckily, Ser Aymeric and Lord Haurchefant (and, by extension, House Fortemps) were on their side, and everything would eventually work out for the better, though not without harsh losses. Kirika and Haurchefant had, during this time, grown rather close, though this was destined to be cut short after his death shortly after attempting to pursue the archbishop out of the Vault.By the time the war was ended and everything solved, she'd also grown close to Aymeric, who was kind and warm and made her smile more than she had in a long time.



Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they say.As the Dragonsong War came to an end, a new war began to brew on the horizon. The Ala Mhigan Resistance began to push back against the Garlean Empire when a war of succession broke out in the wake of the death of the previous Emperor. While the Eorzean Alliance was not originally interested in helping, it was truly only a matter of time before they reinstated their campaign for conquest. And so, gladly on Kirika's part, they resolved to help the Ala Mhigans win their freedom.This had its share of wins and losses, and these would eventually culminate in Kirika and her friends heading for the Far East, where they would help the Doman Resistance fight against the occupation, hoping to force the empire into splitting its forces.Heading back to Hingashi was bittersweet for the Nanami siblings. On the one hand, they missed home and were glad to be back - on the other, they knew that they wouldn't be able to go home in truth, as they had been warned not to return until they had 'gotten rid' of their Echo. Still, being of noble blood and natives of the region would be very helpful in navigating the political climate.It isn't until they get to the Azim Steppe that Kirika and Kazuya realize the significance of where they are and who they are. Their mother was a Xaela, found when she was a baby by traveling merchants and raised in Hingashi, so exploring the culture and land of the Xaela was something of a spiritual experience for the two of them. Their mother, Saran, died when the two of them were quite young - Kirika was barely 3 summers old - and, from what they'd been told, she'd died of illness while attempting to reconnect with her own heritage on the Steppe.What they ended up discovering was that their mother was not a traveling healer on a diplomatic mission like they'd thought - she was a samurai warrior much like their father, and she had not died of illness on the Steppe. No, she'd gone to Doma when the Empire invaded and never returned.Winning the Naadam and connecting with the people of the Steppe had a deeply personal effect on Kirika. She felt her mother's presence in every breath she took and every step of the way and when they returned to Ala Mhigo to finish off the war, she felt like a brand new person.



What goes up, must come down?The excitement of ending the Garlean occupation of Doma and Ala Mhigo didn't last nearly as long as she would have wanted. When her friends began to drop like flies and a mysterious voice called out to her from beyond, she didn't quite know what to expect. Being dropped headfirst into another world somehow wasn't on that list - but it was somehow a welcome change of pace, regardless.Plus, she was going to find her friends and bring them home, one way or another.Of course, immediately upon meeting the Crystal Exarch, she was pretty sure she knew exactly who she was speaking to - though that didn't make any sense. Surely G'raha Tia, that she'd last seen locking himself in the Crystal Tower (that Crystal Tower, the one right in front of her) wasn't in an entirely different world.He didn't seem keen to answer her, and claimed he had no idea who she was talking about, but she knew who she was talking to and it really... took a lot of effort not to throw herself at him sobbing. She still remembers the gasping wails that had torn from her throat when those doors closed in the Source.In fighting the Lightwardens, she is the first to realize that something is wrong with her. She can feel it, though she puts on a brave face. She's the hero. She can't be seen crying about the fact that her eyes are a different shade of red after the third warden. The only person who knows that she's upset about it is her shadow that's followed her since she arrived - Ardbert becomes something of a comforting presence the longer that she's in the First.Of course, eventually there is no hiding what is happening to her. Her hair goes gray and her eyes begin to glow and she knows that it's scary to everyone else. When she wakes up after killing Vauthry and catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she knows what has happened before Ardbert can explain it - and she starts to wear something to cover her hair and eyes from the citizens of the Crystarium.Her - relationship? - with Emet-Selch of the Ascians also keeps her feeling far more hesitant and upset than she felt like she should be. The more she learns about him, the more she learns of what they want, the more unsure she is that they are doing the right thing. This really culminates when she discovers who she is - or who she was, rather.That hesitation isn't enough to keep her from saving G'raha Tia, though. Her time in the First saw her spending a lot of time with him, and she knew that going home without him wasn't an option. Not even a little bit. He clearly sees himself as nothing more than an eager fan of hers, as someone who will be nothing more than some guy comparatively, but to her - to her he's a friend come back to life, and the man that gave up everything to save her. He is her hero.Bringing her friends home - bringing G'raha home - were the only things that mattered. Everything else (her lost connection to her mother, with her lost red eyes in particular) isn't important.



The end of everything came far, far too soon.While everything about The Final Days being on the horizon was stressful, something about having her friends around her made it feel... easier to deal with. No, what really ended up making her upset was somehow after they all took to Sharlayan. All of her friends were either Scions or really smart, so she, Estinien, and C'firah were the only three not there as "smart people." Firah didn't mind, but Kiri, who was falling more and more for G'raha every day, felt inadequate in the face of so much knowledge.Did he even like her? Could he even like her when he realized that she wasn't as smart as the people he surrounded himself with?(Nevermind that the man looks at her like she hung the sun and the moon and all the stars in the sky - that he thinks himself almost nothing compared to her and the thought that she could ever want him doesn't even cross his mind.)It's during this time that she also takes up the study of being a Sage - partially to keep up the charade that she is smart, partially because she couldn't bear the thought of G'raha being hurt when they were fighting together and taking up Sage was the best way to ensure that he stayed safe.After Garlemald, after Zenos' little trick, she is a little (a lot) worse for wear. And then she fights Zodiark and sets the end of the world off and - gee, the thought of confessing her feelings isn't as scary anymore. The night before they go to Thavnair, G'raha comes to see her and check on her and she ends up asking him to stay the night and confesses. He falls asleep with his arms around her and the next morning someone comes looking for him and finds him in her bed.He is quite embarrassed (Y'shtola thinks it's funny) but Kirika isn't. They don't make a big deal out of their blossoming relationship - though this is, in part, because G'raha isn't sure that there's actually anything happening. They are both very stupid when it comes to relationships.(REST OF SUMMARY TBA)